Hi there,
we are back from our Christmas holidays, ready to jump-start the new year and to share some juicy updates with you! During this period we focused on refining Pitlane’s Avatar Editor.
The Avatar Editor allows the player to create his/her own Avatar as the Team Manager and more. At the beginning of the game all staffs databases will be completely random generated by the AI, but the player can modify all characters’ appearence and abilities during the customization phase. Each time a character is modified, the changes are immediately stored in the database.
At the moment there are 5 to 10 different options for faces, eyes, mouths, noses, eyebrows, hairs, beards, marks and accessories. That makes around 400.000 possible humans beings! Who’s going to be part of your team is up to you!
We will post more about Pitlane’s Avatars this week so, stay tuned!
Thank you for spending some of your time with us and see you in a bit!